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What is Your Soul Worth?

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

This is a question, I have been asking myself for sometimes now. There are situations that come up where I want to just say my peace, or tell someone off for one reason or another. Then I ask myself, what is my soul worth? Is it worth it for me to simply give in into sin, and lose my soul? Is it worth it from to go based on how I feel, and compromise my soul, and my spirit?



We are in the last days. When the Bible talks about "taking our thoughts captive" it really means knowing at all time what state of mind us believers are in. Also, the Bible says, " to do unto God, not unto men". This has been a challenge, especially as you can relate, you try to do what is right and good, thinking that the kindness or good deeds will be reciprocated. Unfortunately, in my personal experience these deeds have not yet been reciprocated from others as you may think. This has left me feeling defeated and frustrated.



See, I have been putting my hope in wrong things and in wrong people. From time to time we forget what the word of God says. It is so much freeing to just be kind because Jesus was kind without us having to return that kindness back Him. He died for our sins while we were still sinners. He said, that He is coming back, and His reward is with Him for what we have done. So, when I now do good deeds for God, who will reward me, and not for men, I find freedom.



I also believe what the word of God says about " we saw what we reap" I may not see the fruits of my kindness now, but I know that they are coming. There is a bigger reward, "the place where our souls will end up" In heaven with God forever or in Hell with the devil?



How much are you willing to sell your soul? Is that argument worth your soul? How about that unforgiveness, and the lack of belief, and so on and on...We sometimes underestimate what it means to pick up the cross and follow Jesus. I think the cross is our nature to sin that we give up, in exchange of living a holy life for Jesus. This cross is where the rewards will come from.



Today I choose to love my neighbor without expecting that my neighbor will love me back. Can you join in me in this challenge?

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